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The Vahinis, by Sri Sathya Sai Baba
(translated into English)

Prasanthi Vahini

pdf interactive file (697KB)
pdf print file(526KB)
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mobi for kindle (761KB)

In the interactive file, Table of contents links and links to glossary work.

Front matter
01. The meaning of peace
02. Peace, love, and the Atma
03. Shaping the mind
04. Overcoming the disease of words devoid of experience
05. Spiritual exercise wins His grace
06. The need for an unruffled mind
07. Prayer
08. Dwelling in God
09. The Path of devotion
10. Faith in oneself and in the scriptures
11. The spirituality of India
12. Spiritual steps toward peace
13. Detachment and renunciation
14. Happiness through unity
15. Peace through truth, dharma, love, patience
16. World peace and individual peace
17. Path of inquiry, discrimination, renunciation
18. The Crest-jewel of fools
19. Inquire, discriminate, detach
20. Deep into the ocean of peace
21. The need for activity (karma)
22. Canalize the thoughts, reform the characte
23. The Atma is the Reality
24. The Practice of silence
25. Action rather than inaction
26. Practice of the name of the Lord
27. Devotion and wisdom
28. Indirect and direct knowledge
29. The Eightfold path of yoga





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